Friday, 20 May 2016

"Hillary Clinton Is A Danger To World Peace", French Presidential Frontrunner Le Pen Warns | Zero Hedge

"Hillary Clinton Is A Danger To World Peace", French Presidential Frontrunner Le Pen Warns

American media has repeatedly likened GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump to France's far-right Front-National party leader, and frontrunner in polling for the French 2017 presidential election, Marine Le Pen and while the forthright French politician has not explicitly named a "preferable" candidate for US president, her comments today suggest it is not Hillary Clinton. Stating that the "EU is in the brink of collapse," as two of its main 'pillars' are "crumbling" despite the billions of euros spent on keeping the structure from falling, Le Pen'sgravest fear is Hillary Clinton winning the White House because it would constitute "a danger for the world peace," as she would continue to drag Europe into her"destructive policy" of conflicts.

While declining to endorse any of the US presidential front-runners, Le Pen told RT that she believes there is one that would definitely not benefit France.

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