Thursday, 2 June 2016

ACLU leader quits after daughters encounter men in the women’s restroom « The Burning Platform

ACLU leader quits after daughters encounter men in the women’s restroom

Maya Dillard Smith, interim director of the Georgia chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, hasresigned over the ACLU’s position on who can use which public restrooms. The resignation occurred after her two daughters were traumatized by encountering men in the women’s restroom. Dillard Smith explained:
I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered. My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer.
Dillard Smith complained that the ACLU has become “a special interest organization that promotes not all, but certain progressive rights” and that the “hierarchy of rights” the ACLU chooses to defend or ignore is “based on who is funding the organization’s lobbying activities.” Further expressing her disillusionment, Dillard Smith stated:
I understood it to be the ACLU’s goal to delicately balance competing rights to ensure that any infringements are narrowly tailored, that they do not create a hierarchy of rights, and that we are mindful of unintended consequences. I believe there are solutions that can provide accommodations for transgender people and balance the need to ensure women and girls are safe from those who might have malicious intent.
Unfortunately, as she has learned, Dillard Smith’s view of the ACLU bears little relation to reality. The ACLU’s goal — like that of the LGBT movement — is to shove a radical agenda down the throats of the American people, not to balance rights and find reasonable accommodations.
A transgender activist — a biological male who goes by the name Cheryl Courtney-Evans — responded to Dillard Smith’s resignation by calling her “lazy,” “ill-educated,” and a “b–ch” who needs to sit down and “STFU.” No one who has seen LGBT activists in action will be surprised by this charming response.
Actually, Dillard Smith is well educated. She earned a degree in economics from Berkeley and a master’s degree at Harvard.
She’s also a liberal Democrat. And until she resigned, she was one of the youngest ACLU directors in the nation and one of only three African-Americans employed by the ACLU in that role.
These days, one hears intelligent people assert that the “culture war” is over. It isn’t, and won’t be soon, because the left will keep looking for new cultural battlegrounds. Today, public restrooms; tomorrow, the world.

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