Thursday, 2 June 2016

Video From UCLA Shows How Vulnerable Students Are In A Gun Free Zone Lockdown | Zero Hedge

Video From UCLA Shows How Vulnerable Students Are In A Gun Free Zone Lockdown

Submitted by Joseph Jankowski of PlanetFreeWill
Video From UCLA Shows How Vulnerable Students Are In A Gun Free Zone Lockdown
A campus shooting on Wednesday at the University of California left two men dead in a murder-suicided that sent thousands of students looking for safety and locking themselves down in classrooms.
UCLA is a gun free zone that prohibits students from carrying a gun within 1,000 feet of school grounds under Penal Code 626.9 PC, also known as California’s Gun-Free School Zone Act.
UCLA’s campus policy also, “Prohibits the transportation and possession of firearms and other dangerous weapons on the grounds of UCLA campus, off-campus buildings owned or operated by the University, areas adjacent to University Property or to activities of or programs conducted by the University, whether on or off University Property.”
What this means is that students have little way of defending themselves from a gunman who is seeking to do harm.
In this footage obtained by RT, you can see how students have nothing else to do for their safety but to lock themselves into a classroom and wait for the situation to be defused.
If a determined gunman wanted to barge into the classroom where the students in the video above were hiding, it’s very possible that he could have done so if he had enough time.
As you can see, all the students can do is to sit still and wait, in hopes they do not become targets.
UCLA’s gun policy and the state of California’s penal code establishing gun free zones did absolutely nothing to prevent the man who committed the horrific act on Wednesday from bringing his gun on campus.
Last October the state of California passed a bill that bans concealed handguns on campus.
What this video shows is that the states regulations are putting students in a terribly vulnerable position that could allow a determined gunman to do more damage then he otherwise would be able to do if students and faculty had sufficient means of self-defense.
We all know that Criminals do not obey the law.

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