Players in the NFL are being warned about the risk of failing drug tests due to meat consumption from animals that are being given steroids.
“Players are warned to be aware of this issue when traveling to Mexico and China,” said the drug-testing program’s independent administrator recently sent to NFL players. “Please take caution if you decide to consume meat, and understand that you do so at your own risk.”
The memo warns that “consuming large quantities of meat while visiting those particular countries may result in a positive test.”
This can’t be real life! #SMH
— Patrick Peterson /P2 (@P2) May 3, 2016
This is particularly alarming when you consider that Congress recently voted for the removal of mandatory country of origin labeling. If you eat commercial meat products, you have no idea where that meat is coming from because you are not allowed to know.
Of course, antibiotics are commonly given with steroids using one of 6 steroidal hormones approved by the FDA for use in animals kept as livestock, so it is conceivable that someone might have to stop consumption of meat almost entirely to avoid consumption of steroids. There’s no concern on behalf of bureaucrats or the meat industry as to what negative effects you might currently be experiencing from consuming antibiotic- and steroid-ridden meat products.
What could this mean for players in the NFL and other athletic competitors who may currently be consuming meat with steroids? Could they fail their next drug test and lose their chance to compete?
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