Wednesday 11 January 2017

The People Freaking Out About Milo’s Book Deal Are the Whole Reason He Got a Book Deal

The Daily Sheeple

Milo Yiannopolos has become incredibly rich being outspoken, even a bit of a troll.
Now, he’s getting even richer with an enviable quarter million dollar book deal that he just signed with Simon and Schuster. While people love to hate him, it’s exactly that which allowed him to get the deal about which they’re all so outraged.
Let me preface this with my opinion about Milo. I admire people who are outspoken. I probably wouldn’t deliberately offend people the way he does, but I don’t think he should be drawn and quartered for it. I’ll buy his book simply because, in his own inimitable way, he is bringing much-needed attention to the fragile flower mentality of our butthurt nationI may not agree with his methods because I personally don’t like being mean, but I staunchly support his freedom to use those methods.
Milo is using the First Amendment to its fullest extent. He has that right. People who don’t like it are welcome to ignore him. They have that right.

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