Wednesday 15 March 2017

Ryancare's Fatal Logical Flaw

Mises Wire

The Congressional Budget office today reported that 24 million people would lose health insurance coverage under the Ryancare bill. Mainstream Republicans were not pleased to hear that.
But let’s look at this figure a bit more closely. When we do, it becomes apparent that the Republicans have created their own problem. They are trying to keep Obama’s definition of healthcare policies while repealing Obamacare. That is not only an exercise in illogic. It is an exercise in futility.
The problem here is obvious. Ryancare keeps a one-size-fits-all definition of health insurance, a policy that includes all but the kitchen sink, for example, mandating pregnancy benefits for single men and retired couples. If you keep government in the business of mandating every detail of the health insurance policy, that is what you get: a swollen policy that nobody wants and almost nobody can afford.

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