Monday 13 March 2017

The Great Battle for Western Civilization

Philosophy of Metrics

The age of pretend is now coming to an end. There is no more hiding and running from the truth which we have all known for generations. This truth has laid dormant in the pits of our stomachs and in the sands of our minds. It is a truth which we cannot outrun. It is a truth which cannot be forgotten or ignored. It is a truth which is rushing at us like an out of control freight train. It is a truth with consequences that cannot be avoided.
We can no longer pretend that this truth does not exist. We can no longer pretend that this train is not real. I’m writing to you now in this time of revelation so we may unite on that deeper level where all men and women share a common purpose.
For our purpose is not to remain in silence as our civilization is shattered and tormented. Our purpose is not to act as cultural cannon-fodder for those who mean to invade both our lands and our minds. Your purpose is now to stand firm in unification with the brothers and sisters of our common civilization.

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