Monday 20 July 2015

How The Fed And Wall Street Are Eating Their Seed Corn |

How The Fed And Wall Street Are Eating Their Seed Corn |

When it comes to the stock market these days the overriding theme 
you hear from the financial media is “You’ve got to get in.” 
Another is, “Buy on the dips and average in.” Or, “You can’t 
profit if you aren’t in it” and more. So many more it would fill 
its own multi-volume set. However, there was some truth to many 
of those quips just a few years ago. Today, the amount of hidden 
reality to the actual destruction of one’s wealth is far more factual 
than any will let on. Let alone reveal.

I hear and speak to a lot of entrepreneurs who are absolutely mystified 
by not only the rise in the markets since the financial crisis in 2008. 
Rather, what many just can’t wrap their heads around is: “If the 
markets are a reflection of the economy. Then how in the world 
did we get up here?”  That line of thought I rendered down to be 
the overwhelming theme when discussing the current state of 
business affairs throughout the economy. This confusion is coming 
from a group of people who at one time would seek out Wall Street 
aficionados for insight or expertise. Today, they tend more to distrust 
what they hear. For what they lack in stock market expertise   
– they make up in spades with an acutely precise B.S. meter honed 
by years of business acumen. And many confirm today; it’s off the 
charts far more than they can ever remember. So much so, as to 
avoid stepping in any of it – they just avoid it all together.

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