Friday 25 September 2015

Thumpathumpthump, Here Come Trump: Pols Have Knickers in Knot « The Burning Platform

Thumpathumpthump, Here Come Trump: Pols Have Knickers in Knot « The Burning Platform

What is it that puzzles New York about Trump’s enormous appeal? . He does what so many of us desperately want. He takes no guff from the loathsome talking heads who have never baited a hook or worried about a mortgage payment or been bankrupted by the confluence of Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. He doesn’t whimper and wriggle and apologize like a puppy who has wet the rug after saying something that upsets the priss spigots. He says, perhaps in different words, what so many want to say. “Stick it where the sun don’t shine.”
It’s wonderful. The Beltway bastards just don’t know what to do about it. They try all the political-correctness sure-fires—“You are racist! Sexist! Insensitive! Islamophobic!”–and he doesn’t respond correctly. No. He says, “Up yours, Potato Chip. I made ten billion dollars. What have you ever done?”
It’s love at first sight. So many people are sick of disintegrating bottle-blonde wreckage and proliferating vegetation—we have enough Bushes for a goddam arboretum—and all the inbred scum of a dying country.
How much of what he says is true, and what could he as President actually deliver? He chiefly wants to deport illegal aliens. Fine–but can he? Does he really plan to?
I note that he is carefully, and dishonestly, putting the immigrational blame on those who came instead of on the Americans who bade them come, wanted them to come, and want them to keep coming.

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