Tuesday 16 February 2016

The DoomSayers Of Climate Change « The Burning Platform

The DoomSayers Of Climate Change

Guest Post by Karl Denninger
As I’ve pointed out repeatedly in this column the so-called “predictions” of “Global Warming” have proved incorrect.  This has not stopped the screaming, or the amount of money being forcibly removed from people at gunpoint to “give” to those who run this crap or profit from it, irrespective of the economic harm it does to the economy of the world.
Reality is, that just like the so-called “lipid hypothesis” that has been roundly disproved in the medical field,“global warming” is bunk.  If CO2 is the cause of “global warming” and it’s man’s contribution to it (which is a low single-digit percentage of the total of CO2, by the way) then there are certain facts that are very hard to reconcile.
Among them are the fact that the upper atmosphere hasn’t warmed to any material degree.  Nor has the middle-atmosphere band that were told was where all the CO2 effects would concentrate and thus force the warming downward toward us.
Further, the ground datasets have been altered; the people doing it claim they have to adjust for “various factors”, but if that data is inaccurate how about the satellite observations of the upper atmosphere, and the dropsonde and balloon observations of the middle layers?  Neither of them show warming either, and the gap keeps widening — which certainly looks like intentional tampering, doesn’t it?
Next, if in fact the ocean is going to warm catastrophically and the atmosphere warming is the cause then the upper layers of the ocean must warm first.  That’s obvious.  But…. they don’t.  In fact the oceanic warming that has been observed has been led from the deeper layers, although the absolute rate of change is shockingly low — about 1 degree in 400 years, which is hardly a disaster prognostication for the next half-century.  Nonetheless the cause can’t be atmospheric if the warming is originating in the deep, and it is.
It is not “science” to continue to claim that something that was projected to happen and then didn’t is still “inevitable” and “occurring.”  When your theory is disproved through the fullness of time science demands you modify or throw out your theory.
That’s what science is.
Politics and theft, on the other hand, requires no science.  It simply requires a gullible population that refuses to lock up the thieves.
Considering that the same sort of claims have been made for the “food pyramid” yet those “recommendations” kill millions in the US every year, not to mention causing a tremendous amount of damage to both health and finances of the common person, is it any wonder that we find it in this area of so-called public policy as well?

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