Tuesday 29 November 2016

Yikes: Ten Radical Ways the Lawless Left Plans to Put Hillary Clinton into the White House on Jan 20

The Daily Sheeple

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Instead of stepping back for some self introspection after being handed a stunning defeat in the elections, the political left has declared that the whole world is wrong. These communist-leaning radicals now believe it’s their job to correct the “errors” of the election by putting Hillary Clinton in the White House by any means possible. (Democracy be damned!)
Despite all their “democratic” rhetoric, at their core, leftists despise democracy. They hate leaving anything up to the voters, and even when the voters speak with determined clarity by rejecting the failed policies and criminality of the radical left, the same liberals reject everything the voters told them and continue down the path of self delusion.
That’s why right now, the radical left is working to overthrow the Trump election victory and install Hillary in the White House by any means necessary. This includes, of course, newspapers like the Washington Post completely fabricating utterly false stories to try to destroy or censor the independent media. Only when the true free press in America is silenced can the radical left succeed in its mission to overthrow the country. (As long as Drudge, Infowars, Natural News and Zero Hedge exist, in other words, they cannot get away with their communist takeover.)
Here are ten ways the radical left is either pursuing or strongly considering to steal this election before January 20. For the record, in this case I am not PREDICTING any particular scenarios will occur… and I hope none of them do. But I am warning Natural News readers about the possibilities that are still in the cards, even if some of them do seem rather remote. (Some of these scenarios are highly likely, and others are not likely at all. But you should consider them all…)

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