Saturday, 12 September 2015

Pelosi: The Constitution Is Dead (You Let Me Kill It) « The Burning Platform

Pelosi: The Constitution Is Dead (You Let Me Kill It) « The Burning Platform

Guest Post by Karl Denninger
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she is astonished by a judge’s ruling that clears the way for a Republican challenge to President Obama’s health care law to move ahead.
Pelosi told reporters at her weekly news conference she’s confident that Wednesday’s ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Rosemary Collyer will be overturned. Collyer said the House can pursue its claim that the Obama administration violated the Constitution when it spent public money not appropriated by Congress.
Really? She’s astonished?
What part of the Constitution did Pelosi miss? Perhaps this one:
Section 7.
All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.
The Administration may not spend money that was not first appropriated, and the House must originate such bills.
The lawsuit stems from the Obama Administration spending funds not appropriated to promote Obamacare.  Specifically, $175 billion paid to insurance companies that was not appropriated by Congress.  Indeed, the administration requested that appropriation but the requested appropriation was not made.
Pelosi, of course, appears to believe that the Constitution is only a set of “guidelines” and that she, along with the rest of her party, can violate it any time they’d like.  This, of course, is because she is so vastly superior in her knowledge and wisdom that she knows what should be done — and you do not.
Then again Republicans have made similar arguments in other areas — such as The Patriot Act and various NSA spying activities…..

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