Saturday, 7 November 2015

180-Sq-Ft Shack in Palo Alto, California for Sale, only $2 Million | The Daily Sheeple

180-Sq-Ft Shack in Palo Alto, California for Sale, only $2 Million | The Daily Sheeple

A lot of things are utterly ridiculous regarding the economy and the wealth gap in this country. The made up economy. Unemployment figures. All of it.

Homeownership, for one, has fallen to the lowest level in America in nearly 50 years.

The rent, it seems, really is too damn high.

But hey, it’s all good. Apparently in one of America’s most expensive cities, Palo Alto, California, you too can buy your very own shack for the low, low price of just $2 million, or what the listing calls “an exciting opportunity for someone ‘to build their dream home.’

There are no appliances in the kitchen of the shack, yet a two-car garage also sits on the lot.

Built in 1930, the minute dwelling sits on a 6,800-square foot lot at 829 La Para Avenue in Palo Alto, which could be one of the reasons why the price tag for the property is so high…

The maximum floor area of a future home that could be built on the property is 2,816 square feet, which does not include the possible basement addition. (source)

Then again, we are talking about California, where the rent is apparently so high in some places that a man was able to rent out a TENT for $1,000 a month (a tent which probably costs, what, $20 at Walmart?). “I suppose it won’t be long before America starts spawning the most expensive shanty towns in the world,” Josh Krause wrote.

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