Monday, 16 November 2015

WHY DIDN’T THEY BOMB BELGIUM? « The Burning Platform

WHY DIDN’T THEY BOMB BELGIUM? « The Burning Platform

How convenient these attacks came along to distract the American public from the economic recession that has overtaken the land. Obamacare is a fiscal disaster. The Fed has destroyed the free market. Global corporations based in the US are seeing their profits crushed by the strong dollar, so their solution is to fire more Americans and move their jobs to the Far East. The implosion of oil prices because of the global recession is destroying the shale and tar sands industry in North America. It’s a slow motion train wreck, with actual oil train wrecks happening every other week. We are on the verge of an economic dislocation, with stock, bond and real estate bubbles all popping simultaneously. So what does the government need? Another international terrorist threat. Nothing like phantom terrorists to strike fear into the hearts of the ignorant masses and distract them from their ongoing economic decline.
This entire episode has put me in a foul mood. The propaganda, misinformation, lies, nationalistic fervor, and shallow displays of support and grief for the victims is almost unbearable to witness without throwing up in my mouth. The vacuous analysis by faux journalists, just repeating talking points from the government, proves the dying legacy media is nothing more than infotainment attempting to maximize ratings and advertising revenue. Where is reality based information based upon the known facts?
The almost desperate attempt to link these attacks to Syria really makes you wonder about the motives of our governmental officials. I have a number of questions and comments about this entire episode:
  • The French immediately carried out a “massive” bombing raid on the ISIS capital. Excuse me, but before yesterday did anyone in the world know that ISIS had a capital? If they have a capital, why wasn’t it already bombed into oblivion by our world renowned air force? During World War II we obliterated entire cities (Dresden) with far less firepower than we have today. Has our entire war against ISIS been a farce? It seems so, after the Russians entered the fray.
  • Based on the information that has come out so far (in the article below) the terrorists were all French or Belgian citizens. They did not need Syria in any way to conduct these attacks. The mastermind lived in Belgium. The killers in the theater were speaking fluent French. These attacks were conducted by European Muslims in Europe. The governments desperately want to link this to Syria rather than accept blame for allowing their countries to be overrun by radical Muslim hordes.
  • The calls for a coalition of the willing to defeat ISIS is maddening. We’ve supposedly been fighting them for the last two years. Weren’t we really trying before, but now we really will? Once you put the old boots on the ground, how do you know who is the enemy? I thought Assad was the enemy, but he is fighting ISIS and our “moderate” Muslim rebels. Are we now supporting Assad, since he is fighting the terrorists? Is Russia our ally or our foe? Turkey is fighting the Kurds, who are fighting ISIS. Isn’t Turkey our ally? I’m so confused. Maybe Shitstain McCain can clear it up for me, since he took some nice photos with ISIS fighters a couple years ago.
  • The immediate reaction of the government was to create a double perimeter shakedown of all fans entering NFL games yesterday. So they are molesting white men, white women, and senior citizens when all they have to do is stop and search every Mohammed trying to get into a game. The political correctness and surveillance state crap is really wearing thin.
  • The government solution to these attacks will be so predictable. More surveillance, more freedoms lost, more liberties taken away, in the name of safety and security. France has some of the toughest gun control laws in the world. If a few people in that theater had been armed, maybe far less people would have died. If someone wants to slaughter innocent people, there is no defense the government can put up against that. Unless you want to live in a locked down military state with checkpoints and random searches of vehicles. Government creates the problems by inviting radical Muslims into their countries, then creates more problems with their solutions.
  • No one wants to talk about the real reason for the spread of radical Muslim ideology and these attacks. If we had kept our nose out of the Middle East in the first place, these religious nutjobs would be under control. Hussein, Ghaddafi, Mubarak, and old man Assad despised these fanatical religious Muslims. They were all secular dictators who killed and imprisoned these nutjobs. Their countries were under control. There was no Al Qaeda roaming freely. We toppled all of the dictators and left their countries in chaos, free to be taken over by these nutjobs. Then we armed the “moderate” Muslims. These moderates are ISIS. What a fucking joke. Do you hear anyone of the faux news networks discussing this?
  • Lastly, even with the knowledge these Muslim killers are all citizens of Europe, the EU is allowing millions of potential Muslim terrorists to pour into their countries with little or no vetting in the name of political correctness. Obama is allowing hundreds of thousands of Muslims to come pouring into our country from Syria even though our welfare system is already bankrupt and stretched to the breaking point. Maybe he wants to hit his Obamacare enrollment goals. It’s absolutely insane to allow these Muslims into our country.
  • France, Germany, Sweden, the UK and eventually the US will reap what we sowed. Blowback is a bitch. But at least the defense corporations will make billions as the never ending and unwinnable war on terror goes on forever.

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