Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Ceiling Shattered: Trump Surges to 41% Nationally « The Burning Platform

Ceiling Shattered: Trump Surges to 41% Nationally « The Burning Platform

GOP Candidate Donald Trump Campaigns In South Carolina

Proving once again that many of America’s political pundits are paid to shape public opinion through wishful thinking (disguised as analysis), Monmouth University just released a national poll showing that all this PunditSpeak about Donald Trump having a ceiling of support around 20%… No, 25%… For sure, 30%… is nonsense.

Monmouth has The Donald obliterating the competition nationally with 41% support.
In this particular poll, Trump’s closest rival, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), sits at just 14% support. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) trails with just 10%; Ben Carson plummets to single digits with 9%. From there it just gets embarrassing: Jeb Bush (3%), John Kasich (3%), Chris Christie (2%), Carly Fiorina (2%), Mike Huckabee (2%), and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)(2%).
In this particular poll, Trump is surging. In mid-October the billionaire businessman sat at 28%. Cruz and Rubio both jumped +4 points. Carson lost -9.
A full 65% of primary voters believe Trump has the right temperament to be president. Thirty percent of those polled would be enthusiastic with Trump as their nominee, with 37% saying they would be satisfied. Only 12% would be dissatisfied, and 16% would be upset.
Despite a month of the worst media coverage imaginable, Trump’s favorability rating improved from 52% to 61%. His unfavorable rating dipped from 33% to 29%. In favorability, Trump beats Cruz (58%), Rubio (55%) and Carson (57%).
The Monmouth poll cannot really be written off as an outlier. A CBS/New York Times poll released a week earlier showed Trump at 35% with Cruz in second with 16%. In fact, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll getting all the attention today, the one with Cruz only -5 points behind Trump (27% to 22%), appears to be the real outlier.
In the Real Clear Politics poll of national polls, Trump enjoys 31.4% support, with Cruz a full -15 points behind with 16.3%.
Either way, in a 14 person race, Trump is obliterating second place with anywhere from 30% to 41% support. If he was anyone other than Trump, this race would be considered long over.

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