Saturday 9 January 2016



 It’s fascinating how liberal politicians and the liberal MSM who love Muslims and want more of them to invade our country, will lie, obfuscate, and evade the truth when a blatant Islamic terrorist attack takes place on film, with a full confession by the Islamic terrorist. This black disciple of ISIS purposely ambushed a white Philadelphia policeman on the 30 Blocks of Squalor and tried to murder him. As usual these black religious nuts are terrible shots, so he only wounded the officer.
The dude is dressed in Muslim garb. His neighbors said he was a devout Muslim. He confessed to doing it in the name of Islam. He admitted to being an Islamic State tool. This is an open and shut case of Islamic terrorism in the U.S.
So, what does the new lefty mayor of Phila do? He holds a press conference saying this has nothing to do with Islam. The local news last night was nothing but liberals making their case for why this wasn’t Islamic terrorism. The fucking scumbag says it was Islamic terrorism, but the liberal Democratic politicians and their liberal media mouthpieces continue to deny and spin the story as just another police ambush.
I can assure you there will be more of this in West Philly. There are dozens of Islamic retail stores, mosques, and meeting places in West Philly. I pass them on the way to work. It is a perfect breeding ground for Islamic terrorists. You have thousands of young unemployed men, with little to no education, no fathers, access to weapons, and open to an ideology that makes them feel powerful.
Now you know why white America is moving towards Trump.
Hat tip starfcker

The suspect has now reportedly given a full confession, telling police he carried out the attack in the name of Islam(link)

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