Monday 11 January 2016

Islam Growing in America « The Burning Platform

Islam Growing in America « The Burning Platform

Islam Growing in America

The American Muslim population stands a strong chance of doubling in size by 2050 and becoming the second largest religion by 2040, based on new estimates from the Pew Research Center.
At the moment, Pew believes that there’s approximately 3.3 million Muslims living in the United States. Given the total U.S. population, this means that Muslims currently comprise 1 percent. But by 2050, Pew thinks that Muslims may surge to 8.1 million.
The U.S. issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim-majority countries in the five-year period encompassing 2009 through 2013, according to Department of Homeland Security data. This Islamic “invasion,” as some are calling it, occurred on the Obama administration’s watch, with plans for 10,000 Syrian Muslims grabbing much of the headlines. But the actual number is many times higher with a refugee program that is rooted in the 1980s and has the support of both parties. The U.S. has brought in more than 1.5 million Muslims through the refugee program since the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. They have been coming from Islamic states with active jihadist movements such as Somalia, Bangladesh, Burma, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Bosnia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Our problems now are almost double what they would have been, without the Cuckservative right stabbing our nation in the back for absolutely no reason at all. Still, it is a safe bet that the percentage of Muslims will be back around zero at some point in the next one hundred years, regardless of present trends.
If the Chateau is right, and Diversity + Proximity = War, then I hope the traitors to our nation in that war will be dealt with as traitors normally are. They deserve nothing less.

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