Saturday 9 January 2016

The Truth About The Second Amendment And Obama « The Burning Platform

The Truth About The Second Amendment And Obama « The Burning Platform

Guest Post by Karl Denninger 

CNN hosted a “town hall” on guns and Obama’s “new” executive order push, inviting a few people and trying to load the audience and questions. It didn’t work out quite as they had planned; Taya Kyle was there, and got into it pretty firmly with Der Fuhrer II.

Bravo for her.

We’re talking about this the wrong way folks.  If we want to put a stop to this nonsense, and by put a stop to it I mean not only prevent more gun laws but the rescission of the existing 50,000+ gun laws on the books, we must talk about what has really happened and how it relates to the Constitution in real terms.

Let us remember that The Bill of Rights, and in fact the Constitution generally, does not and cannot grant “rights” because the government never had any rights to grant to anyone else.

You cannot give, grant or even sell that which you do not first lawfully and properly possess.  Any attempt to do so is fraud (at best.)

I’m going to start where I will finish — with the Brady Act.  This law, passed after the attempted assassination of President Reagan by a clearly-insane man (who was caught, prosecuted and confined as insane for said act) mandates what is now known as the “NICS”, or National Instant Check System for firearms purchases.


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