Tuesday 5 January 2016

Watch: Obama Cries Crocodile Tears as He Chips Away at Your 2nd Amendment | The Daily Sheeple

Watch: Obama Cries Crocodile Tears as He Chips Away at Your 2nd Amendment | The Daily Sheeple

Well, it’s on. More Obama gun control, announced with more Obama crocodile tears. Watch this (if you can stomach it).
Have you ever heard of method acting? Well, you just witnessed it in action.
Considering that nothing Obama has done or is doing would have stopped any of the mass shootings that supposedly spawned this new wave of executive orders, it’s laughable to believe he’s genuinely tearing up over it.
Even more of a joke is the fact that he makes a direct reference to the streets of Chicago: a city some have referred to as America’s “murder capitol” because of all the gun violence, but which also has some of the nation’s toughest gun laws, so obviously gun laws aren’t helping the problem any.
If gun control worked and criminals followed laws, gee, wouldn’t America be safer already?
These new orders and the new rules being made at the various bureaucracies are only going to chip away further at the 2nd Amendment and the people’s natural right to keep and bear arms.
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