Sunday 3 January 2016

Why the U.S. Should Be Worried About the Russian Navy | The Daily Sheeple

Why the U.S. Should Be Worried About the Russian Navy | The Daily Sheeple

I don’t think anyone doubts that the US Navy is the most formidable naval force in the world. It is the one asset that allows Washington to project its conventional military power to almost any location on the planet, and often at a moments notice. Without it, our nation would have never achieved its status as global superpower.
As time goes on however, the Navy is slowly losing its edge. As I’ve written about before, our vast fleets are in no position to dominate the future of naval warfare. If anything, they may be sitting ducks (and expensive ones at that). While most people would assume that the Chinese Navy will be our biggest contender, the truth of the matter is that the Russian Navy may also pose a serious existential threat to our ships in the near future, if it doesn’t already.
In a recent report, the US Navy outlined their concerns about the reemergence of Russia’s Naval prowess. Here’s what’s keeping them up at night:

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