Thursday, 4 February 2016

How Corruption Cripples America's Military | Zero Hedge

How Corruption Cripples America's Military

Authored by Eric Zuesse,
America’s military budget is roughly 7.2 times that of Russia ($610 billion compared to $84.5 billion), but even Western news-accounts are saying that the weaponry produced in Russia is superior overall to the weaponry produced in the United States.
Compare the top-of-the-line fighter jets of the two countries: that's the F-35 fighter-jet produced by the U.S. corporation Lockheed Martin, versus the Su-35 fighter jet produced by the Russian government (its wholly owned Sukhoi Company). The F-35 costs around $100 million per plane. The Su-35 costs around $65 million per plane.
The weaponry-expert David Majumdar headlined on 15 September 2015, “America's F-35 Stealth Fighter vs. Russia's Su-35: Who Wins?” He concluded: "Basically, an F-35 pilot should avoid a close in fight at all costs. It is highly unlikely that a U.S. Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC) would assign an air superiority mission to an F-35 unit if alternatives were available. But given the tiny fleet of [F-22] Raptors and dwindling F-15C fleet, it is possible that the JFACC could be forced to use the F-35 as an air superiority asset.”
In other words: the U.S. had stopped production of the better planes, the F-22 and the F-15C, which might stand a chance against the Su-35. The U.S. stopped production of those planes in order to replace them with the inferior and far costlier (and more profitable) F-35.
Earlier, on 6 December 2014, Majumdar had bannered, “Killer in the Sky: Russia's Deadly Su-35 Fighter.” He wrote:

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