Tuesday 11 July 2017

Coot Clover

EP autos - Libertarian Car Talk:

I wish I’d filmed this one – but I was too busy swerving to avoid a head-on collision.
I was at a “T” intersection, waiting for the light to go green so that I could make a left turn and merge with southbound traffic. The light turned green, I began my turn… and found myself almost head-to-head with a Coot driving the wrong got-damned way down the street!
The biddy was wearing those Old People oversized sunglasses – which to me is like seeing a guy guzzling straight from a fifth of Jack Daniels. But the old coot glasses – and certainty of, at best, really poor vision and probably glaucomic poor vision – are given a pass by law (and law enforcement) while the Jack Daniels results in merciless and brutal prosecution by the law and law enforcement.

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