Monday 10 July 2017

Hillary Clinton Is Not Going Away Anytime Soon

The Daily Sheeple:

Still ingrained in the minds of Americans is Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump last year in the presidential election and the subsequent meltdown of liberals everywhere. Those who expected the embattled Democrat to just fade into obscurity are sorely mistaken, though, as Hillary is not going away anytime soon.
The loser in last year’s presidential elections is now looking for a major role in the midterm elections in 2018. Even though she’s at the forefront of many scandals, Hillary has already founded a PAC to aid congressional Democratic candidates in 2018. She is also “studying up” on the House districts she won in the 2016 presidential election against President Trump, The Hill reported. This studying is supposed to help increase the chances Democrats at retaking the House. Of the Republican districts, 23 voted for Clinton over Donald Trump in 2016.  Democrats say that they are focused on California as a means to gain the majority in 2018.

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