Monday 10 July 2017

Milo’s Party

The American Conservative:

Milo Yiannopoulos, in drag as “Ivana Wall,” led a room filled with gays, conservatives, gay conservatives, Trump enthusiasts, and fellow-travelers in a chant of “Build the wall!” at a New York City bar.
The party was a prelude to the July 4th release of his book Dangerous, and the most important insight in his brief remarks to the room was probably that an influx of gays into the Republican Party is no longer primarily frightening to Republicans—rather, it is the thing that Democrats fear most.
The party location had been changed the day before the event when permission to use the original venue was revoked by the liberal restaurateur Stratis Morfogen. This was the same weekend that the large and loud fifth Transformers movie came out, and I couldn’t help thinking the man’s name sounds for all the world like that of a Decepticon.

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