Saturday 8 July 2017

Russia Says ISIS Planning to Gas Syrian Civilians, Frame Assad, To Justify US Invasion

The Daily Sheeple:

On Thursday, during a weekly press briefing by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spokeswoman Maria Zakharova explained that their intelligence has revealed active terrorist plots to stage chemical attacks in Syria in order to justify and precipitate U.S. strikes and increased intervention in the Syrian civil war.
The information exposes ongoing plans by Syrian terrorist groups to stage chemical weapons attacks, to be blamed on the Assad government, in an effort to justify U.S. attacks against Syrian government forces.
“According to information available [to us], Syrian terrorist groups plan staged provocative actions with the use of chemical poison gases to justify US strikes against the positions of the Syrian government forces,” Zakharova said at a weekly press briefing.
The intelligence reveals that ISIS has deployed laboratories and equipment for manufacturing chemical weapons from its capital of Raqqa to Deir ez-Zor, according to Zakharova.

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