Tuesday 15 August 2017

Chicago 9 : 1 Charlottesville - Weekend Death Toll Ignored By Mainstream Media

Zero Hedge:

While the national corporate media focuses on white nationalists in Charlottesville and the tragic death of one person, The Burning Platform's Jim Quinn reminds readers that the southside of Chicago continues to resemble Iraq during the worst of the war.

Nine people were killed in shootings across Chicago between Friday night and Monday morning.


At least 29 other people were wounded in shootings across the city between 11:30 p.m. Friday and 5 a.m. Monday.


Last weekend, three people were killed and 27 others were wounded in shootings across Chicago.

The hypocrisy is breathtaking to behold. Chicago doesn’t fit their anti-Trump narrative.

Why isn’t ANTIFA and BLM protesting in Chicago to stop the killing of black people? Oh yeah. It’s black people doing the killing, so that’s OK.

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