Thursday 17 August 2017

The Camp of the Saints

Paul Craig

The liberal/progressives, lost as they are in their emotionalism, do not realize that their rantings about white supremacists are also discrediting themselves and not merely their foes. The rest of the world doesn’t differentiate between good whites and bad whites. As one reader who wrote to me from India said, “All whites are guilty.” That is the position of the left who assert that White Supremacy is institutionalized in the United States and has been from day one. The white liberal/progressives should read Jean Raspail’s book, The Camp of the Saints and discover that the world does not differentiate them from white nationalists. Whites—not “some whites”—are seen as a plague on the world.
If a book is too much for them, they can read Ajamu Baraka in Counterpunch:

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