Sunday 13 August 2017

The Coming Violence of the Left

The Z Blog:

In my AmRen wrap-up about AntiFa, I noted that it was the women on the Left with the blood lust. The mentally disturbed woman I highlighted is a good example. She goes on social media with hysteric rants about imaginary violence, in an effort to get her fellow wackos to do something crazy. Her claims about gun fire and riots at American Renaissance were entirely false, but clearly she was hoping her tweets would get her coreligionists into a violent mood. Her life is dedicated to bringing about bloodshed.
Further to that, this was floating around on social media yesterday in the run-up to the big rally in Charlottesville. Every claim in it is false. Mike Enoch has been lecturing people for weeks about the need to avoid violence and not bring weapons The organizers have developed a good relationship with the local police department so that the cops will protect the attendees from the Antifa. The cops spent most of Friday clearing weapons from the park that Antifa has been hiding there in advance of the rally.

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