Tuesday 26 May 2015



The absurdity and ridiculousness of our keepers gets worse by the day. If they aren’t macing or shooting innocent people, they are blowing up the cars of citizens trying to make a living selling food. Then they arrest you, even though the first responder heroes have proven to be nothing more than keystone cop jokes. And the sheep just stand idly by and thank these glorious copfuks for protecting us from evil food truck terrorists. What a nation of pussies we’ve become, cowering and fearful of our own shadows. What a pitiful display.

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

During all the drinking you did last night I suppose you could be forgiven for missing this one:
One person was arrested Sunday evening after a bomb squad detonated a pressure cooker that was found in a vehicle near the U.S. Capitol building.
U.S. Capitol Police spokeswoman Lt. Kimberly Schneider said in a statement that Israel Shimeles of Alexandria, Va. was arrested and charged with “operating after revocation”. She did not elaborate on the nature of the charge.
The bomb squad was called because there was a pressure cooker and, apparently, a propane tank in the car.  They destroyed the windows of the vehicle, extracted the evil pressure cooker and found that it contained….. nothing.
Oh, and before blowing it up they managed to check into the ownership and it apparently belonged to a food truck vendor for the rather ordinary use of cooking food; said trucks are pretty common around the downtown DC area (I’ve had a bite from one in the past.)
But, having decided that irrespective of the owner’s story checking out as valid they blew it up anyway, they did serious damage to the vehicle and they arrested the owner for “operating after revocation” despite the fact that the car was parked; in other words, nobody was operating anything.
Look, I get it — terrorists have used pressure cookers as bombs, specifically in Boston.  But before blowing this one up they found the owner, checked it (and him) out, and discovered that he had a perfectly legitimate reason to have a pressure cooker.  Why not simply ask him to open it up at a reasonably safe place instead of blowing it up?
I’ll tell you why — then the “Rambo” boys in blue costumes would be all sheepish, would have had to apologize (and perhaps pay for the windows they broke in his car) and they wouldn’t have gotten to play with their explosives yesterday.  Never mind the obvious risk that could have been avoided and transferred to the owner alone if they had simply asked him to open it in a safe place — if there was a bomb in there he would have been the only one blown to bits.
As for the “arrest” isn’t it interesting how suddenly after you destroy private property for what turns out to be no valid reason you have to search and search and search until you can find something to hang on the guy, even though he wasn’t driving when you encountered him?

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