Saturday 28 November 2015

Black Lives Comes to Canada « The Burning Platform

Black Lives Comes to Canada « The Burning Platform

Guest Comment by Francis Marion
I live in a major metropolitan area in the western part of the country. In the last week I can count on one hand how many black people I’ve seen. Lots of Asians and imported Indians but next to zero black folks. I understand there is more black people in eastern Canada than in the west but overall they constitute about 2.5% of the entire population. That’s right – 2.5%. There was never slavery in this country unless you were a native enslaved by another tribe or a young white kid living in indentured servitude on some Quebecois farm during the 19th century.
You’d never hear this kind of horse shit from the Asian population here who comprise at least 15% of the over all population and depending on what city you are in – often comprise a near majority. This is because Asian people come here to do this thing called ‘work’. They are self motivated to be successful. They are citizens. They do not complain about racism because by and large it plays such a tiny factor in our lives that to dwell on it borders on moronic. That is unless you are a college student at a modern institution of Marxist indoctrination… most commonly called a university.
I can hardly believe this garbage has finally come to this country. Makes me want to puke.
Story Below via Via The Rebel

“Don’t devalue my degree with your nonsense.” Black Coalition demands Ryerson University change its name, remove Egerton statue

Black students at Ryerson have put together a list of demands aimed at the University’s administration.
The Black on Campus Coalition posted their demands to their United Black Students Ryerson Facebook page. Their first demand states, “in solidarity with First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, we demand the university administration launch a process to rename the university and remove the statue of Egerton Ryerson.”
They go on to demand more scholarships for black students and a reduction in tuition fees. In addition, they want a ten percent increase to the number of Black tenured faculty, upper administration and full-time staff.
When it comes to actual education, they demand more courses that “speak to the histories, experiences and realities of Black and Racialised communities to be taught by tenured Black and Racialised faculty.”
Their full list of demands can be found at this link.
They conclude by saying, “Ryerson University must make a commitment to acknowledge its ongoing racist practices that have contributed to the violence and trauma faced by black people on our campus for the purpose of profit and upholding it’s investment in white supremacy.”
Outgoing Ryerson president Sheldon Levy spoke to the Ryersonian regarding the demands. “Do I think the campus is perfect? Absolutely not … when there are these types of protests and movements, many times they make us take a harder and a better look at things.”
“They can protest higher fees, they can do all that. It’s all legitimate … I would rather have a society that feels they can take on these issues and push the administration … for change, than to say you’re not allowed,” Levy said.
Meanwhile the Facebook post that encouraged supporters to ‘share widely’ has been criticized by at least one student.
“A process to rename the university,” Joshua D’Cruz quotes. “Please don’t devalue my degree with your nonsense.”

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