Monday 30 November 2015

Chicago Police Accused of Deleting Burger King Surveillance Video to Hide Teen's Death by Cop | The Daily Sheeple

Chicago Police Accused of Deleting Burger King Surveillance Video to Hide Teen's Death by Cop | The Daily Sheeple

Not only has Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke been charged with first-degree murder in the October 2014 shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, but according to grand jury testimony of a Burger King restaurant manager, Chicago police also erased a surveillance video to try and cover the shooting up.
Jay Darshane, manager at a Burger King located near where McDonald was shot, testified that Chicago police officers showed up to his restaurant shortly after the shooting, asking him to see his surveillance footage. After they left, there was a curious and unexplained 86-minute gap in the footage that just so happens to cover the exact time of the shooting.
Gee… What are the odds?
Darshane testified that he believes the Chicago PD maliciously erased the store’s surveillance footage in an attempt to further cover up the shooting.
The Chicago police, including the superintendent, claim the allegations are false. Hm. I guess it was either a serendipitous technical malfunction with the same odds as winning the lottery twice right after being struck by lightning, or magical fairies must’ve swooped down and whisked the 86 minutes into another dimension where flying unicorns live with the Lucky Charms cereal mascot.
Dash cam video released last week shows Officer Van Dyke shooting the teen, who was armed only with a small knife and walking away from the police at the time he was shot a total of 16 times.
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