Saturday 26 March 2016

Europe Is Paying A Heavy Price For Complacency As Existential Crisis Deepens | Zero Hedge

Europe Is Paying A Heavy Price For Complacency As Existential Crisis Deepens

Europe faces an existential crisis. Current European leadership and European leading elites have manoeuvred Europe into a situation that will spin out of control and result in a vicious circle of violence. History teaches that ethnic minorities can bring about unrest in the long run. The imams in Europe, very often in the payroll of Saudi Arabia or another Gulf country, take care that their fellow Muslims retain their religious integrity and keep themselves away from the infidels. Meanwhile European authorities struggle with a violent group criminals who converted to radical Islam and became even more dangerous. The Dutch jihadist reintegration approach helped, criminal and jihadist El Bakraoui to evade the Belgian justice system, before he blew himself up in Brussels. To understand what happening on the old continent, let us bring up the tree main topics, and then elaborate on them.
  1. The US, NATO, Brussels, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are in alliance to use terrorism in the proxy war against Syria, Russia and China. This policy has come home to roost. It is not Russia, as Hillary Clinton once said, but Turkey and Europe regret their policy in Syria1).
  2. Leaders from the Gulf countries support European Muslim communities with finance; in many cases Europe-based imams do not even speak any of the European languages. Surprising as it is, European leaders encourage Saudi Arabia, Qatar or Kuwait to meddle with European internal affairs by letting them to have a say in religious matters. Turkey’s government refers to the Turks that immigrate to Europe as the Turkish diaspora. Recep Erdogan, Turkey’s president, promotes Turkish nationalism among Turkish Muslims in Germany.
  3. Authorities fear the revenge of the populous against Muslim minorities. European ruling elites are terrified at the onslaught on minorities by uncontrolled mobs. There have been numerous attacks on mosques and refugee homes.

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