Wednesday 28 September 2016



Image result for steve clevenger wife
Guest post by Chateau Heartiste via
Has anyone heard about Steve Clevenger getting suspended without pay for using his First Amendment rights?
A Seattle Mariners catcher, Steve Clevenger, was suspended without pay for the remainder of the season because he let loose with some stone cold realtalk about the Charlotte BLM riots on the Twatter.
Clevenger spoke more truth in these two tweets than the entire hivemind media apparatus, as anti-White Narrative traffickers, have rammed down our throats in weeks. Decades, even.
Two days ago Steve Clevenger, a catcher for the Seattle Mariners, made a couple tweets that any decent red blooded American could not possibly bat an eye at.
This is not controversial stuff. Black Lives Matter is a criminal terrorist organization that murders police officers, burns American cities to the ground, commits looting on an unfathomable scale, and hunts white people in the street to subject them to physical violence. Deriding and mocking these google terrorists is behavior fitting of a role model for children. This guy should be held up singly as an example of integrity in a sport infested with scum and villainy. […]
Instead of praising this man’s intellectual honesty and bravery, [the Mariners] have stolen a five figure sum of joy from his wife and children. They have taken food off of a good white man’s table.
This hits close to home for me. Tons of amazing people in the tech field were driven out of their jobs because of these fucking commie liberal faggot skypes that seem to think that no white man anywhere should ever be able to speak his mind.
Weev provides email accounts for the Mariners team and executives to whom you should direct your patient but righteously furious rage to reinstate Clevenger, genuine American hero in these dark times. You should also send Steve Clevenger some supportive words to his Twatter account: @Clev_45.
Bob Aylward <>
Joe Chard <>
Teresa Dugger <>
Tim Kornegay <>
David Curry <>
Shitlord of the Week runner-up is NC representative Robert Pittenger, who states as succinctly as I’ve heard from anyone the truth about Google Lives Matter.
What we are finally witnessing is the anti-White dam about to burst. A ruling elite can only suppress the truth for so long… can only humiliate a nation’s people with the most transparent lies for so long…before the truth finds fissures to escape and the people rise up to ride the soul-nourishing deluge of realtalk, feeling something they hadn’t felt in a while: pride.
It’s happening lightning-quick: Whites are coalescing into a formidable force against the Confederacy of Deceivers, and if the anti-Whites know what’s good for them they’ll step back from the brink now….or step off it later.
Swing High Sweet Lariat
Not unrelated, a great post from Those Who Can See offering a historical perspective of realtalkers past who were uncontroversial in their day discussing matter-of-fact truths about googles, skypes, etc, but today would run afoul of the Diversity Inc schlock troops. A reminder that as we rush to excise our great White ancestors from our public squares and honorariums and besmirch them in our textbooks and at our family tables, a lethal reaction builds that will catapult their rebellious heirs to a revolution bursting forth a reinvigorated America….or a broken America dissolved by the necessity of reconciling hatreds and antagonisms of the inevitably warring tribes.

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