Tuesday 24 March 2015

Orwell & Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money - "Legally," Of Course | Zero Hedge

Orwell & Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money - "Legally," Of Course | Zero Hedge

Due process and rule of law have been replaced with "legalized" looting by government in America.
Did you know that the government of Iran steals your cash if they find more than loose change in your car? They don't arrest you for any crime, for the simple reason you didn't commit any crime; but it isn't about crime and punishment--it's about"legalizing" theft by the state.
So the government toadies don't charge you with a crime or arrest you--they just steal your money.
Pity the poor Iranian people--clearly, there is no rule of law to protect them from their predatory, rapacious, fake-democracy, quasi-totalitarian government.
Did you also know that if you deposit too much money in modest sums, the government of Iran steals all your deposits? They will claim--oh, the twisted logic of Orwellian, repressive governments--that you are obviously a drug dealer who is avoiding laws that require banks to report large deposits to the government.
Once again, you won't be charged with a crime--in true Orwellian fashion the suspicion that you may have committed a crime is sufficient reason to steal your cash. Pity the poor Iranian people, living in such a banana-republic kleptocracy.

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